Santiago Velez & Asociados Corredores de Seguros S.A.
Main Office: Bogota
Santiago Vélez & Asociados was founded over 25 years ago by Colombian insurance industry icon Santiago Vélez Garcés and his son Luis Fernando Vélez Zuluga.
With over 65 years of experience in the insurance sector Santiago Vélez Garcés was commended and awarded on multiple occasions for his work in the insurance sector and beyond.
The company's growth has consistently exceeded that of the Colombian insurance broking market and Santiago Vélez & Asociados has always held a leading position as a national broker. Behind this consistently strong performance stands strong and thoughtful management constantly searching for ways to do better: the Quality Certification ISO 9001, intentional strategic planning, continuous and intensive training for all levels of staff. The company has been uniquely successful in attracting and retaining a team of successful professionals with solid experience in the insurance sector.
Santiago Vélez & Asociados is an all-lines broker servicing clients needs as well in Property and Casualty as in specialty financial lines and affinity programs. Specialist expertise for Oil and Energy, financial institutions, manufacturing and retail round off the company’s service offering.
Luis Fernando Vélez Zuluaga, board chairman, is a successful entrepreneur in his own right. He is a leader in various industries and, among other things, owns and manages one of the country’s top coffee brands. His entrepreneurial experience and his knowledge as founding partner create a broad understanding of client needs.
Orlando Charry López the company's executive VP leads the processes of Strategic Planning.
International desk manager
Mr Alejandro Vargas
- Tel: +57 1 635 8808
Employee benefits international desk manager
Mr Alejandro Vargas
- Tel: +57 1 635 8808
Main Office
Santiago Velez & Asociados Corredores de Seguros S.A.Carrera 16a No. 78 - 11 Ofc. 202
- Tel: +57 1 6358808
- Fax: +57 1 6173330