RVS - Rizikos Valdymo Specialistai UADBB

Main Office: Vilnius
Also operates in: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia

Rizikos valdymo specialistai UADBB was founded in 1997 by Raimondas Sklenys who has been working in financial consultancy and insurance since 1992.

RVS is part of a rapidly growing insurance and financial consulting group, providing their clients with a wide range of professional insurance broking and risk management services in areas as diverse as non-life, life and credit insurance.

One of RVS' core values is always maintaining a client focus. They recognize the unique needs of different client groups and their professionals specialize by product, function, and client industry: coordinated by strategic account managers, or relationship managers, who ensure a holistic view of the clients' needs. By truly listening to their clients and working with them as partners, RVS can develop solutions that work seamlessly with their business. This is how RVS uncovers risks and discovers new opportunities to make their businesses more successful, now and in the future.

RVS is proud to have among their clients many multinational companies from numerous different industries: transportation, information technology, energy, services, among others.

Managing Director Gintautas Gudeika started his insurance career in 1998 as a risk engineer and risk manager. He joined RVS in 2004.

Senior contact

Mr Gintautas Gudeika


International desk manager

Ms GintarÄ— PuzinaitÄ—

Insurance manager - Lawyer

Employee benefits international desk manager

Mr Gintautas Gudeika


Main Office

RVS - Rizikos Valdymo Specialistai UADBB
P. Luksio 32
  • Tel: +370 5 272 2222
  • Fax: +370 5 278 8854
