We Care: Warm Biscuits
17 December 2020
Besides being a chaotic and dark year, 2020 had its good sides too: we acknowledged that buying local is what we may actually need, that hugs are not to be taken for granted and how being jet-lagged is in fact not that bad.
Another heartfelt effect of 2020 was realizing that there may be others around us who had it worse – and not just now.
UNIBA Partners and the Brussels Office have decided to support a Brussels-based charity and you are more than welcome to contribute.
Les Biscuits are doing more than the association’s title: it is a charitable organisation which aims to maintain social connections for vulnerable people in Brussels, whether homeless or otherwise.
Their activities are focused on two types of events: biscuits, food and warm drinks social Fridays and monthly cultural evenings.
The organization needs donations in order to prepare the food parcels, purchase event tickets, as well as to provide individual support (administrative, medical, legal and so on).
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