Breaking the ice: meet WIDE Group’s Matteo Barbini and Filippo Farneti
18 July 2024

The UNIBA Partners’ network is constantly evolving; new Partners join, IDMs and Senior Contacts change. Although we have the chance to see each other face-to-face, most of the time we are meeting behind our laptops. And in this online environment you might have missed a new Partner joining or a contact changing, right? Through this article-series we will make sure that that doesn’t happen anymore! In ‘Breaking the ice’ we will introduce new Partners, their specialisations, and, perhaps even more importantly, the people behind it.
In this month’s edition, we’re introducing our latest Italian Partner, WIDE Group’s Matteo Barbini, Managing Director and Filippo Farneti, Head of Marketplace.
For those who didn’t have the chance to meet you just yet, can you please introduce yourself and your company?
Matteo: I'm Matteo Barbini. I'm a co-founder of WIDE Group and the Managing Director.
Filippo: I'm Filippo Farneti. I'm one of the founders of WIDE Group, and I'm the Head of Marketplace.
Matteo: WIDE Group is one of the five largest brokers in Italy, established in 2016. We distinguish ourselves from our competitors through our significant investment in technology to support brokers, not just for online services. Our portfolio is split 70% corporate and 30% professionals and retail, positioning us as traditional consultants.
Let’s dive back into the business side of things. Why is “international” important to your company?
Matteo: The main reason we decided to be part of a network and specifically chose UNIBA is twofold. Firstly, our clients. WIDE Group grew from a small company to a large one with 70% corporate clients. Most of these clients have international exposure, particularly in the US and Asia and we needed a structured relationship to support them worldwide. Trust in the brokers within the network is vital for us to service our clients effectively.
Secondly, we value the creation of relationships with brokers. We asked if there were personal events, monthly meetings, and regular connections because we need to meet and understand the brokers we work with globally. This helps us know what products work, how the market changes, and what technological advancements are coming directly from those on the ground.
Filippo: The main focus concerning placing risk is finding someone we can trust. We need reliable brokers for our clients' international programs. Being part of UNIBA allows us to assure our clients that we have trusted local brokers to place local policies and advise on local standards across the globe.

Moving on, you already touched upon what you're hoping to get out of the network. What about the other way around? Where do you see WIDE Group contributing to the network?
Matteo: There are two major points. Firstly, our model is based on sharing knowledge. We grew rapidly because we believe in people and sharing. We want to bring this to the UNIBA network. We're happy to share our model, our investments in technology, and our technical expertise. We believe that by working together, we can achieve more.
Secondly, from a technical perspective, we have extensive experience and knowledge of the Italian market. We can offer insights on every line of business and provide valuable data to help UNIBA’s Partners understand and navigate the Italian market.
Filippo: We have 53,000 clients and deal with 1,500 companies. Our extensive network and experience in finding solutions for various business needs can be a significant asset to the network. We're constantly pushing to improve policy conditions and expand our understanding of the local market.
Now, moving back to more personal questions. Is there any particular book that has inspired you?
Filippo: Yes, there's an interesting story about how we developed our platform. An Italian novel called "Q" inspired us. The book discusses revolution and reform, and we named a part of our software after it. It manages the renewal of policies, symbolizing our revolution in the industry.
Matteo: For me, it's "Who Moved My Cheese?" by Spencer Johnson. It's a small book about the attitude towards change. This book influenced how I approach changes in our company and personal life. It's about adapting and thriving in a constantly changing world.
On a final note, if you could have lunch with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
Matteo: My dream lunch would be with Michael Jordan and Roger Federer. I'd love to compare their experiences in team sports and individual sports, analyzing their approaches to success.
Filippo: I'd choose Winston Churchill. His ability to balance decisions during challenging times, such as World War II, is fascinating. I'd love to learn from his experiences in leadership and decision-making.