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347 results:

Staff Abroad

Companies with activities abroad are inevitably confronted with a completely different benefits environment. Deciding which compensation and benefits package abroad best supports your HR…


Clarity of information is critical to the management of any Benefits scheme. Internationally, the challenge lies in the vast differences between countries: terminology, coverages, standards,…

Profit Sharing

UNIBA Partners’ proprietary profit sharing system aims to return a portion of insurer’s profits – back to you. Profit sharing participants may find themselves receiving up 10% of their premium…


Expats, due to their particular situation, have unique health and insurance concerns. Typically, they cannot not be covered under their company’s health or medical scheme. They and their families…


In an increasingly nomadic and volatile world, travel insurance is becoming ever more important.  Pre-travel alerts and information, competent on-site assistance in your language, easy…

Innovate. Change. Thrive

UNiBA Partners' Annual Senior Management Meeting Cape Town, South Africa 24th-27th October 2018 Be part of the dialogue! Where is our industry headed? What products and services will we be…

Conference Venue

The Vineyard Hotel We are holding a block of rooms for our participants at the Vineyard Hotel: a 7-acre riverside garden estate on the eastern slopes of Table Mountain, over the hill from Cape…


Wednesday, 24 October 2018 8:00 a.m. Early Arrivals Excursions & Lunch 7:00 p.m. Cocktails & Dinner Return to the homepage Thursday, 25 October 2018 8:30 a.m. Partners Only Meeting 9:30 a.m.…


Return to the homepage Zelda la Grange Zelda la Grange, Nelson Mandela's personal assistant has agreed to deliver the opening keynote speech for our conference. Zelda worked closely with Nelson…


Return to the homepage Wednesday, 24th October Robben Island & walking tour And off we go! By ferry... to Robben Island on Wednesday morning. The island tour covers over 500 years of history,…